
Friday, December 30, 2011

New Year New You

Coming up with New Years Resolutions this year has been difficult! I have no interest in setting mindless resolutions such as loose x number of pounds. I know come February my mind will no longer be on keeping my resolution. Instead I want to set goals that are meaningful to me and where I am in my life right now.

First up on the list is I want to become closer to God. This is first and foremost on my list! I have always been very active in my faith. In college however it was easy to get caught up in all of the excitement and begin missing Sunday mornings at church, forgetting a prayer before dinner, etc. That isn't easy to say because it is definitely not something I'm proud of. This year I am making a goal to put my relationship with God first and everything else second.

My next goal is to excel at my senior internship. I can't wait to get my masters and begin teaching but the first step is this internship. I want to take advantage of this opportunity and learn as much as possible! I am ready and excited to begin in just over a week!

I want to spend more time thinking of others this year. This is a big goal that has lots of parts to it! By this I mean I want to perform random acts of kindness, I want to send more thank you cards, I want to check in with friends and family more, I want to put others before myself.

Don't forget to enter the My Memories Giveaway  I am hosting. You can enter it here!!


  1. Great goals--I know you'll shine in your internship!!

  2. I feel the same way about resolutions! Goals work much better for me. I am definitely agreeing with you on putting others before myself this year! I started it near the end of this year and I definitely want to continue, it just makes me happier. I'm excited for you & you internship! Can't wait to hear your stories :)

  3. I love the idea of "goals" instead of resolutions! You've chosen some great ones!! I always struggle keeping resolutions, but I think I could work toward a few goals myself.


Sweet Thoughts(: