
Thursday, December 29, 2011

Reunited and It Feels So Good

It's tempting to say my favorite part of Christmas break is Christmas day but, if I were to be completely honest I would have to say my favorite part is getting to spend time with family and friends you have been separated from. I was very lucky to have many of my good friends attend the same school as I but there are still a good handful I only get to see on special visits and trips home. Last night all of my high school friends decided to get together for the night. We had an absolute blast! I don't think I have laughed so hard in a long time. My favorite part of the night was looking at old pictures and listening to our old CD's. Hello Spice Girls and Nelly, ha! I am so fortunate to have remained close with so many good friends!

My post is coming to you late because I have been spending time with my grandmother all day. She is big into playing cards so my sister and I had lunch and played canasta for a while. I learned a new game and now understand why she loves it so much! Lucky for me I get to spend time with more friends tonight!! My mom, sister and I will be having dinner and drinks with some family friends. Quality girl time that I LOVE.. I'm sure I'll post about it tomorrow!

Don't forget to enter the My Memories giveaway here!


  1. How fun! My high school friends all got together a couple nights ago! It is so great to be able to remain friends all through college! Glad you had a blast!! :)

  2. You're so lucky to have such a good group of friends at home! And ahh, memories came flying in when you mentioned Spice Girls and Nelly!

  3. This is so true! I absolutely love Christmas but I love the people I get to spend the time with even more. Have a wonderful New Year!


Sweet Thoughts(: