
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Floating on a Cloud

I feel like I am just floating on a cloud today! It's been one of those days where everything seems to be perfect and you can't imagine a bad thought crossing your mind. (I probably shouldn't cut the news on to keep it this way!) Today was a teacher workday at my school. I was so excited to sit in on the staff training workshops because it is something I have never done before! The entire workshop was on the new common core standards NC is converting to next year. This will be a huge change to come for teachers. When I got out of my internship I had a lovely voicemail from the family I babysit explaining how they were home from work and I could have the afternoon off. Seeing at it was 63 degrees and sunny I was beyond excited! I went to pick up my computer (that crashed in the middle of a lesson plan I was writing last night. You can say I was NOT a happy camper) and headed home. My roommate and I both love to go on long walks and today was the perfect day for that! After the relaxing day I had today combined with having the day off yesterday I feel energized and ready for this short 3 day week at school! Going backwards- I got so much done yesterday and it felt amazing! I absolutely love being productive, although sometimes that leads to something I like to call "productive procrastination" aka. when I will clean the house, wash the dishes, do laundry..etc but continue to put off that huge paper I need to write. One thing I did get done yesterday was hanging this adorable wooden shoe rack my mom picked up. It goes perfect with my room. I absolutely love it!


  1. I am the same exact way with procrastination! I did the same thing this afternoon...dishes, laundry, etc & put off a policy analysis paper I needed to work on. I'm working on it now...(while checking out new blog posts and Pinterest, haha!)The shoe rack is absolutely adorable, I love it! Glad to hear you had such a good day! Always nice when things fall into place :)


  2. I am so glad you enjoyed staff training! I have a teacher planning day Friday and I'm just excited to be a part of it too! Student teaching really does make you feel like a "real" teacher!! I am so excited about our Saturday plans and can't wait to hear all about your class!! Have a wonderful day tomorrow!


Sweet Thoughts(: