
Tuesday, January 17, 2012


I look forward to Wednesday's every week. For starters it is the middle of the week which means we are half way to the weekend. During a long week knowing you are half way through can make all the difference in the world. Another reason I love Wednesdays is because it means it's time to link up with Jamie from This Kind of Love for What I'm Loving Wednesday!

I'm loving the fun smart board activities I have been creating to use in my writing lessons next week. I wish I had one of these in my classrooms growing up! They are so much fun!

I'm loving the fact that I have plans to go home this weekend! I miss my family!

I'm loving that I finally found a store that sells the brand of veggie burgers I like! I looked ALL last semester and couldn't find them. Little did I know Walmart had them the whole time, go figure! A veggie burger on a 100 calorie sandwich then with a slice of tomato and a little mayo=heavenly.
I'm loving Betty White who turned 90 yesterday. She is my all time favorite Golden Girl.

I'm loving my new theory.
(My roommate and I joke that sometimes we say things that don't really make sense but we can still understand each other- I apologize if this is one of those things and doesn't really make any sense)

My theory: Mondays and Fridays are always tough days to get through. On Monday your tired and on Friday you are even more tired and ready for the weekend. My new theory is that if I wear a favorite outfit on Mondays and Fridays to my internship, it might help to brighten my day just a little bit.

I'm loving the goal my roommate and I set a few weeks ago. We wanted to start watching more news and less junk. So far we have been very successful. We are truly excited to catch whatever newscast is on during the day, and tune into sixty minutes every week! I have already seen a difference in my conversations with others as a result of being up to date on current events.

I'm loving the words pretty and colorful and everything that comes along with them.

and lastly I'm really loving my friend Cate who is celebrating her 21st birthday today! Happy Birthday Cate!


  1. Wow, you have so much to be thankful for and to love this week! Loved reading your list and exciting that you get to spend time with your family. I just came home from a weekend home and man was it much needed. :)

  2. this whole post just brightened my day! thank you!

  3. Your WILW just put me in the best mood!! That Kate Spade dress up quote is SO TRUE!!

  4. You totally just inspired me to watch the news! Love that goal..and your theory...must try this Friday!

  5. Thanks for playing along!

    Have a fun weekend with your family :)


Sweet Thoughts(: