
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

High Reading Hopes

You often hear people say "my eyes were bigger than my stomach" when referring to eating. I have been sitting here trying to brainstorm how I can change that into my reading hopes are bigger than my realistic amount of free time. I couldn't think of anything catchy but you get the picture. If you go back to this blog post posted a month and a half ago you will see I had high hopes to read several books over Christmas break. Let's do a recap-

How to be a Hepburn in a Hilton World. I got this book a few weeks ago and read it cover to cover in a matter of days. I had been dying to read it after seeing it all over the blog world. It did not dissapoint! It was actually a good reality check. I think I will leave it at this for now because I want to do a seperate blog post about it!

Decision Points by George W. Bush- I have not read this yet but it is still on the "reading wish list"

The End of Molases Classes by Ron Clark- YES! Finished it, love it, recommend it to all teachers! This book is very motivational for the teacher in you. It is split into three sections- for the teacher -for parents -for the community. I found the teacher part the most intersting and only skimmed the other parts.

The Essential 55 by Ron Clark- I got it for Christmas (thanks mom!!) ..but haven't had a chance to read it yet. I will be very soon though!!
 The Friday night knitting club by Kate Jacobs- I'm half way through this book but keep stopping in the middle to read other books. (I'm telling you my hopes are bigger than reality!) I've heard great things about it so I can't wait to finish it. Maybe I will get on that tonight.

So that's the update- some have been read, some are still on the reading list. You would think I would read them all before I add even more books to the list but nope, my hopes are big! I have found more books to read!

Every Other Monday by John Kasich- My mom gave me this book for my birthday and I am just kicking myself for not reading it yet. Soon mom, soon!

The 10 Women You'll Be Before You're 35- This was suggest by a blog friend and I immediatley ordered it. I can't wait to read the first chapter about being a new college graduate!

The Sweet By and By by Todd Johnson- to be honest I have no idea what this book is about but it too was suggested by my mom. She says it's great!

and even though my list is way too long my eye was drawn to two new books at Target. When I got home I was still thinking about them so needless to say, they have been ordered from Amazon and will be making their way to my hands very soon.

MWF seeking BFF: my yearlong search for a new best friend.

The Four Ms. Bradwells- I knew I had to get this book because 1) anything with pearls on the cover has to be a winner and 2) the back cover stated "a book you will want to share with your mother and best friend"  my sister laughed at me because I saw that and thought ..I have a mom and friends! ha, it's obviously not too difficult to convince me a book is good!

Happy Reading Friends!


  1. I always have a crazy overambitious reading list, too. There's just something about having stacks of books waiting for me to dive into that I can't resist. Enjoy your books!

  2. you're so ambitious! I'm very impressed and jealous :) I recently bought how to be a hepburn in a hilton world but haven't had a chance to finish it!

  3. I'm very curious about The 10 Women You'll Be Before You're 35! I always seem to have a million books on my "to read" list!


Sweet Thoughts(: