
Sunday, January 29, 2012

Where did the weekend go?!

I know I say this every week but seriously.. where did the weekend go? It always goes by SO fast! I had a very enjoyable weekend and am sad that it's already over. First I have to thank you for all of the good lucks and kind words on Friday! My observation went PERFECT. I got all great remarks from my university supervisor and may or may not have even been told it was the best lesson she had observed so far! Friday night a friend of mine and I went out for drinks at a local Mexican restaurant. It was fun to catch up and unwind, aka talk about something other than teacher stuff for once. (Although my students did still get brought up several times, haha) Saturday I slept in until about 9. I used to think 9 was early to wake up on a weekend but now that my body has adjusted to 5:30am 9:00 felt amazing! I spent my morning doing laundry and cleaning some before I met up with my sister. Ginny and I spent the entire day together and had the absolute best time! We started off the morning with a cup of coffee from Krispy Kreme.  

Isn't she precious? (;

Once we were energized and ready to go we made a trip to Target and to wash my oh so dirty car. I got a new pair of yoga pants and I am in l-o-v-e with them. They are so comfy!! My old pair is beyond worn out and needs to be retired. We had lunch at a local restaurant called The Daily Grind. Ginny had a chicken salad sandwich on sourdough bread and I had a shrimp and avocado wrap. Both were delicious and healthy! After lunch we came back home and went on a nice long walk. The weather could not have been any better this weekend! 60's in January? I'll take it!

After a night out on Friday and a full day Saturday I decided to stay in that night and work on lesson plans. I am weirdly excited for an adjective lesson I am doing Wednesday. Can you guess what my students will be doing? (I sent this picture to a friend of mine who responded with "you are the only 21 year old girl I know who would stay in on Saturday night to color..")

Sunday morning I met my sister for church which is always refreshing. Later in the afternoon I went on a 5 mile walk with Ginny and my roommate. We discovered so much that we didn't realize existed (and we have lived in the same area for the past 3 years..) We found a new park/pathway by the Tar River, a historic graveyard, and new shops. Who knew! Part of the walkway we went on cut through the woods. We found an area that was all marsh- no it's not pretty, but it did surprise us that we had no idea this was so close to our house! So of course we took a picture, haha.

The rest of Sunday was very low key.. lots of blogging, lesson plan writing and pinning. I have been a bad ZTA the past couple of weeks and skipped out on Sunday night chapter meetings because I'm normally so tired and have to wake up early. I did go to this one though and I am so glad I did! A few guys from a fraternity on campus stopped by the house to serenade us with the most precious song and deliver flowers. It was very sweet and the perfect way to end the weekend!

I hope you had a great weekend!

1 comment:

Sweet Thoughts(: