
Sunday, January 22, 2012

I was tagged, again!

The game of tag has taken over the blog world! I was tagged once before but recently got tagged again by Allie at Sundresses and Smiles. That is one of my favorite blogs to keep up with so I couldn't wait to read her Q&A! I am tweeking the rules for myself a little bit since I have already done this once! I'm going to answer her questions but skip out on writing my own and tagging anyone.

1. Last concert you went to?
My long time best friend Ashley, gave me tickets to see Kenny Chesney for my 21st birthday. We had an absolute b.a.l.l. Seriously, one of the best concerts/most fun I have ever had. Thanks again Ashley(:

2. What is one city (other than the one that you currently live in) where you would love to live?
This is a toss up between Charleston, SC and Savannah, Ga. If I can only pick one I will go with Charleston, SC. This town has the perfect mix of "old south" southern charm, history and fine cuisine. What's not to love?

3. What is your favorite season and why?
I LOVE the Spring. The hope that warm weather is nearing makes me the happiest girl alive. In the spring I am glowing with excitement for the temperture rising while looking at all of the sundresses, bright colors popping and flowers blooming. It makes me excited just to think about it!

4. What is your least favorite chore?
I hate taking the garbage can to the road. I dread this task every week!

5. What do you love most about blogging?
Blogging is a great outlet for me. I love the relaxation I get from sitting down and typing a post. I also love the people I meet through it! Stay tuned tomorrow to find out how my blogger meet up with Ashley went!

6. What are your pet peeves?
I have mentioned this before and it is also the same answer Allie gave! I can-not-stand rudeness. If someone is rude to me I can get over it, if someone is rude to someone else in front of me however it is a whole new story. That situation makes me feel unbelievably uncomftorable. Example: someone being rude to a waiter while I am at dinner with them. That kind of behavior is simply uncalled for and by far my biggest pet peeve!

7. What are your top 5 favorite t.v shows?
Heart of Dixie, Desperate Housewives, Criminal Minds, Sixty Minutes, The Bachelor.

8. Youre favorite thing in your closet?
A simple knit sweater that seems to go with everything.

9. What's your favorite song?
I love music, inparticularly country music and beach music. There is one song however that I have more fun singing/dancing/listening to. --Shammalamma Ding Dong. "you put the oh mou mou back into my smild child"

10. Do you have a case on your phone? Is so what kind?
I just love my blue and white stripped, Kate Spade phone cover!

I also just have to tell you about a fabulous giveaway at His Diamond and Mine! She is giving away a Marley Lilly Monogrammed Brown Peyton Cross Body Clutch. Check it out!

1 comment:

  1. I spy UVA in one of your pictures! We have a lot in common and I'm so excited that Hart of Dixie is returning tonight!


Sweet Thoughts(: