
Monday, January 23, 2012

Weekend Recap

After this weekend I can say I am fully rested and ready for the week! My weekend flew by but is nothing new. I went home for the weekend and had the best time. After a busy week of student teaching when I got home on Friday night I was actually ready to call it a night by 10 pm. I crawled in my bed with a book and was asleep shortly after. Not very exciting but I was content as could be. I knew Saturday was going to be a good day when I woke up feeling amazing and mom had made blueberry muffins. Yum! My mom, sister and I headed to Winston Salem for the day that afternoon. I was beyond excited to arrive because I had plans to meet up with Ashley from Everyday AEM! She picked out the cutest restaurant called Simply Yummy in Reynolda Village. We had a chance to talk about student teaching (she is teaching in a second grade class also!) and just life in general. I am so happy I have met a friend that I have so much in common with through the world of blogging!  

After lunch I met back up with my mom and sister to do a little shopping. We mainly checked out consignment shops and toured the town. My mom used to live in Winston so she couldn't wait to show us her old house and hangouts! She lived there when she was just starting out and it made me excited to graduate in May and have new beginnings as well. I learned about a consignment shop called The Snob Shop from Ashley after she blogged about it a while back. When I found I was going to Winston Salem for the day I knew I had to check it out and I'm so glad I did! I scored a new dress, a pair of Lilly pants and a J.Crew sweater. I also got the most adorable trench coat from another shop.

We could have continued shopping but we had to head to First Christian Church in Kernersville. We had tickets to hear Angela Thomas speak for her Winter Blues conference. Angela Thomas speaks mainly to woman and is truly an inspiration. There is not a place I would have rather spent my Saturday night. I laughed a lot, I cried, I worshiped and it was amazing. I left with my heart heavy and a new outlook on my relationship with Christ. She encouraged everyone to take the next step in their faith and I am ready to do just that!

Sunday morning I attended church and then went out to lunch with my family. When I got home I had tons of boxes to sort through of teacher supplies a family friend who just retired from teaching generously gave me. I felt like a kid at Christmas looking at all of the children's books and materials! Once I finished with that I picked up a friend of mine and headed back to school. I'm sad the weekend is over but I'm ready for another week in second grade! I hope y'all had a great weekend!


  1. cuuuute outfits! I'm going to have to check out this shop!

  2. LOVE your shopping finds--especially those pants! We will have to try and do a meet-up at the Lake this summer!

  3. Sounds like a relaxing weekend and love your picks from the store! xo

  4. Blogging meetups always seem like so much fun, and it's so interesting to see two people from different Urls together in real life!

  5. I love those pants! What an awesome find!

  6. I'm loving your Michael Kors purse in the top picture!! Let's keep in touch :) Xo -Bo


Sweet Thoughts(: