
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Work Day!

No big post for this girl today, I'm taking a "work day". This morning I took the Praxis II, which is the final state test required to get your teaching license! I think it went well but will not find out my scores for a few weeks. When I finished I had the day to myself and didn't have to head back to my internship. I'm using this time to get caught up on lesson plans in hopes the rest of the week will be a tad bit more relaxing! I'll be back tomorrow with something more interesting(:

[[ Calling all elementary school teachers, second grade especially, do you have a smartboard in your classroom? I have been trying to use ours in all of my lessons because the students absolutely love it. Making the programs can be very time consuming however. I would love to share some of the presentations I have made if any of you could use them! If anyone else has any they would like to share with me that would be just fabulous as well. Maybe we could do some sort of blogger smartboard exchange. Just a thought! ]]


  1. FYI- Promethean planet has toooons of great flipcharts. I use alot of them and adapt them for my needs. Also, Rockingham County has a page where the teachers upload the flipcharts they make! You should check them out!

  2. That's been one of my favorite quotes for years! Good luck figuring out the Smart board!

  3. yay for the praxxis. I took the one for middle grades math a few weeks ago to add another certification and I hate we have to wait so long for the results

  4. Would totally be up for sharing some Smartboard files! I use mine to teach EVERYTHING! It's amazing! Hope the Praxxis went well!

  5. it is nice to have a few empty hours just to yourself, especially when it is unexpected. i'm sure you passed the test and will be a great teacher!

  6. Best of luck with the results!


Sweet Thoughts(: