
Wednesday, February 15, 2012


I hope you all had a happy hump day! I had another observation with my university supervisor and am glad to report that it went great! Now that she has done two announced observations the rest will be unannounced. But any who, moving along..

When I discover a new favorite "thing" I tend to obsess over it until something new comes along. For example- When I find a new song I like I listen to it on repeat all day/everyday. Have you ever seen an Oprah's favorite things episode?! I want to share some of my favorite things.. currently of course! Because they tend to change frequently(:

Favorite Song:

Woman Like You by Lee Brice

Favorite drink:

Chocolate Milk

Favorite Food:
It is girl scout cookie season and lucky for me, but unlucky for my waistline, I have lots of girl scouts in my class.
Favorite Pinterest Find

Favorite laughing material
(My friends thought I was crazy, I laughed so hard when I saw this!)
Favorite Show

Seriously, l-o-v-e

Favorite upcoming event:

I'm meeting my parents at the lake this weekend!!

Favorite Moment:
Right now(: I'm sitting on my couch wearing yoga pants and an over sized sweatshirt, blogging and relaxing because I know I have nothing that needs to be done!


  1. that definitely made me laugh too! punctuation IS important :)

  2. Haha, this is totally like me. When I like something I totally become obsessed with it too! I'm totally feeling your favorite song, Pinterest find(how stinking cute!) and your favorite food!

  3. Yesss...I thought I was the only one who watched Hart of Dixie. Love it! Pretty amateur acting other than Rachel/Zoe but whatever. I'm still waiting for George and Zoe to end up together!

  4. Congrats on another great observation! That kind of stinks the rest will be unannounced. All of mine were announced/planned so I was able to be prepared.

  5. Lmao let's eat grandpa. Totally laughed. Punctuation is definitely a powerful thing!

  6. Ahhhh I love thin mints! They're my favorite. I've got a box at my desk that's been tempting me for two days now! And yayyy for your observation! Get use to them... you have a gazillion as a new teacher! haha But I'm glad it went great!!! Have fun at the lake this weekend (:

  7. I'm loving Hart of Dixie also & I am trying to avoid the THin Mints up on the top shelf of our pantry!

  8. hart of dixie is by far my favorite new tv series as well! I LOVE Rachel Bilson and I could watch her all the time!

  9. Love your Pinterest finds and Hart of Dixie!! Chocolate milk is also one of my all time favorite drinks! Have fun at the lake!


Sweet Thoughts(: