
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentines Day Recap

Did y'all have a fabulous Valentines day? I hope so!!
I am of course living the single lifestyle, although that s word is a little harsh... I prefer just not dating currently(: This little tid bit did not stop me from being excited for the holiday however! Even with no significant other It is still the perfect opportunity to send out Valentine cards, wear a little extra pink, indulge in extra chocolate and best of all, craft with my second graders!! My day started by waking up to the sweetest note from my roommate before I headed off to school. Once I got there, I think I was more excited for my math lesson than the students were. I thought it would be fun to make "Valentine Fraction Pillars" and do a candy heart fraction sort. The students loved doing something out of our normal routine and I loved that I was still sneaking in fractions. haha, teacher mindset obviously.

While I thought my one hour math lesson made my valentines complete, little did I know I had many more surprises waiting on me! I expected a few small valentine note cards from students but was not prepared for the enormous amount of goodies I would receive. I am convinced I have the sweetest class of second graders ever! I received so many goodies I had to get a separate bag just to carry them all home!! I am so grateful to have a class full of caring/sweet ..perfect? (when they want to be) students.

seriously, oh my goodness!

Leaving the Elementary School I had decided it had been the best Valentines day yet. I didn't realize I had another surprise waiting on me. When I came home from babysitting I was greeted with roses, a bottle of wine, a fuzzy teddy bear and the s-w-e-e-t-e-s-t note ever.  I 100% did not expect to receive anything from ANY guy, especially the one who sent this unparticular. I was and still am completely shocked but also flattered. Seriously, how sweet?!

I hope you all had just as nice of a Valentines day as I did. You can tell from the candy picture above that I will be on a sugar high for the next month, haha.


  1. Oh my goodness -- so sweet!! You definitely had an amazing Valentines day!! I am dyingggg to hear more about this mystery valentine :]

  2. Wow! Look at all that candy!! Glad you had a good Valentines day!

  3. What an amazing Valentine's Day, and from a fellow single gal, what a nice surprise from your students and guy! And I am loving all your creative math lessons!

  4. looks like you got lots of great goodies!

  5. you need to blog about mystery valentine man!!

  6. What a cute Valentines Day! Looks like you had a great one! I am your newest follower :) Glad I came across your blog!


  7. I'm very curious about this mystery man that sent you a Valentine surprise! Love your fraction lessons!

  8. I'm in college right now, studying to become a teacher. I love your blog and just started following! :) It makes me excited to receive all of those Valentines when I have my own classroom! :)


  9. Yay for an awesome Valentine's day! It's one of my favorite holidays as a teacher, and dag, your students did you right! So sweet! And yay for surprise flowers!


Sweet Thoughts(: