
Sunday, February 12, 2012

Oh Monday..

There isn't much fun in a cold Monday morning but I'm trying to make the best of it. I had a great weekend that went by entirely too fast, as always. Saturday I spent all day running around town running errands and trying to find a necklace to wear to my Valentine Cocktail. Of course it is just my luck that I did find a necklace in the first store I went in but waited to purchase it until I returned that afternoon, only to find it had just been sold. I guess me and the gorgeous pearl necklace weren't meant to be, haha.

That night we had Valentines Cocktail. It was a little sad to know it was the last one I will ever be attending!! A few friends got together before we headed out. It was a very fun night but freezing cold. I'm talking bitter cold.. to say I'm ready for spring is an understatement.

Sunday was spent relaxing and writing lesson plans. I was so tired form the night before and dreading going out in the cold but also dying to hear the start of a new series at church. I found a solution by streaming in the church service online and watching from my couch curled up in a blanket. Not something I would proudly do every Sunday but defiantly a win win for just this one time! I even snuck in an hour nap and went to a movie. Those two things are normal to some people but finding a spare 30 minutes much less 3 hours is non existent in my life these days. I was very happy to not do much of anything(: I went to see The Vow with my sister and a friend Sunday night. I have been wanting to see it for a while and couldn't wait any longer. It was GREAT and so sweet. Although, I do wish we would have seen more at the end. I wont say any more in case you haven't seen it yet.
Now, it's off to another week in second grade full of Valentine festivities


  1. Love your pink dress! SO cute and SO Valentine appropriate. :)

  2. I love your pink dress! Hope you have a wonderful week!

  3. We have our Valentine's Party this weekend and I love your dress! I heard The Vow was great, hope you had a great weekend!

  4. You looked great at the Valentine's Cocktail and the necklace you ended up going with looks great! So glad to hear you liked The Vow--I am dying to see it!

  5. glad that you got the chance to relax this sunday! everyone needs a day off once in a while!


Sweet Thoughts(: