
Saturday, February 11, 2012

Where does the time go?

Oh my goodness, did I really go a week without blogging? My week went by so fast and kept me so busy I just couldn't find a spare moment to log on. Let me catch you up on some things...

The only thing that has crossed my mind this week is fractions. This week I started teaching a unit on fractions to my second graders. I was extremely excited but also nervous because this will be the first full unit I've taught in math. Meaning- If students don't pass the post test it will clearly be my fault seeing as I'm the only one that has been teaching them math for two weeks! I decided to give a mid unit assessment and good news- everyone passed. Go me(:

I am officially on the road to graduation in May- I picked up my cap and gown!

I'm also on the road to big girl life after graduation. I had my first meeting with the Career Center to revise my resume and go over useful job seeking techniques .

Last night I went to see One For The Money with Katherine Heigl. It was okay but I would suggest just waiting for it to come out on video. I am now dying to see The Vow (along with every girl in America)

Tonight ZTA is having their Valentine Cocktail, hopefully I will have plenty of pictures to share with you!

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