
Friday, March 9, 2012

Back to my roots

Yippee! It's Friday!  My days seemed to drag by this week but my week seemed to fly. Does that ever happen to you? Yesterday I had quite the day at elementary school. I was completing part of my portfolio requirements that required video taping. I hate filming myself, I get so nervous! It was also the central office walk through day. Of course it just so happens one of my students spilt my full cup of water causing me to be on my hands and knees cleaning it up when the  central office guy walks in. Just lovely, haha. After several other small situations that seemed big to me I was happy for the day to almost be over. But then, nope! One of my students had a seizure and we had to call the ambulance. As a teacher this is s-c-a-r-y. I was in full panic mood. Thankfully she is going to be okay but I know she is shaken up.

It's finally Friday and I will be heading home to see my parents for the weekend. I am very ready for a little break and to get away. Hopefully I will get a chance to work on some school work. However, every time I go home it seems like my days are jam packed so we will see if any work actually gets done. I hope you have a great Friday!!


  1. I know how crazy the days can be! I hope your Friday goes better and you get to relax and do some work this weekend! I'm hoping for the same thing! Happy Friday!

  2. What a day! Thankfully its the weekend - have fun with the family!

  3. That is so scary! I had a student have a seizure, too! It seems like we are both stressed out over internship! ha! Enjoy your weekend!

  4. I had one of those teacher scares last week! I witnessed a student in the class across the hall from mine get hit by a car while crossing the main road with his sister! Those teacher scares drain you emotionally, mentally, and physically! I hope the coming week is much better for you! Oh and I hope you got one of those Pete's burgers on your visit home this week (:


Sweet Thoughts(: