
Sunday, March 11, 2012

Doctors Order

This weekend was just what the doctor ordered. Lots of rest and relaxation with some shopping, family, friends and good food. I knew it was going to be a good weekend when I got finished babysitting two hours early on Friday! I had been planning on leaving town around 6 meaning I wouldn't get home until almost 9pm. Since I got off early I got home just in time to join my parents for dinner. My hometown is very small but lately we have had all sorts of new restaurants popping up. Apparently a new Irish restaurant has been the talk of the town since it opened. My parents wanted me to try it so we headed there for dinner. It's called the Celtic Fringe and definitely has an Irish feel. Even our waiter was from Scotland! I ordered shrimp and grits and a traditional Marzen beer. After a long week at school it was definitely appreciated(: I forgot to snap this pic to share until I was half way done eating, whoops!

After dinner I was so tired I could hardly keep my eyes open. I was proudly in the bed around 9:30 pm. If you asked me one year ago if that is how I ever expected to spend my Friday night at 21 years old I would have laughed. Oh how things change. With the early bed time it also called for an early wake up which was A-Okay with me! Perfect time to have two cups of coffee and catch up on blogs, emails, and facebook stalking my friends who are arriving home from Spring Break. So jealous of all their sunny Bahama pictures!!

Saturday afternoon my mom and I ventured to Greensboro to do a little shopping. I was starting to worry I wouldn't be able to find a Carolina Cup dress. No worries however, I found the perfect little seersucker number! You can't go wrong with seersucker right?! After a little shopping my mom and I headed out for a few drinks with the motto "it's 5 o clock somewhere". I'm so glad we did because we had the BEST time.

All in all it was the perfect weekend. Sunday arrived way too quickly which meant I had to head back to school. I'm ready for the weekend already!


Sweet Thoughts(: