
Friday, March 16, 2012

Where does the time go

I left you with a weekend recap post and come back to find it's time for another weekend. I know I always say the weekends fly by but this week sure did fly! I normally spend my evenings blogging and catching up on work but this past week we had sunny skies and temperatures in the 70's everyday. My time was spent outside loving every second of it. I think it's safe to say spring like weather is here, hopefully to stay! Taking my kids out to recess has been much more enjoyable since I'm not standing around in a scarf and gloves checking my watch every second!

I start my "all-days" in my internship today. This means that starting today I have full responsibility of the class. Every subject, all day, everyday. I know this will be quite a busy three weeks.

I'm super excited for it to be Friday because I have a very fun weekend planned!! Tonight is the Pirate Chapter Ducks Unlimited banquet. This is a huge event in my town every year. They always have a band, unlimited drinks, unlimited food, an auction and raffles for these adorable lab puppies! It's a fun time for half of my school to dress up, get together and get the boys fired up for duck hunting. Is this a big thing anywhere else?

Saturday is the Spring Carnival at my elementary school. I will be working the pizza station to feed all the kiddos. Afterwards, needless to say, it is St. Patricks day- let the fun begin! I don't have set plans other than to be out and about in full green attire with friends. I love little holidays like this, I get so into them!

I hope you have a fabulous weekend!


  1. good luck on your 'all day's'-i'm sure you'll do great :)

    have a great weekend!

  2. Sounds like a great weekend! We've heard good things about the DU banquets, but have never gone before! Maybe we'll have to check it out next time!


Sweet Thoughts(: