
Sunday, March 18, 2012

Best Friends=Best Weekend

Isn't that the truth? There is nothing I love more than being surrounded by people I love. Thankfully for me I have the best girl friends here at school that I could ever ask for! We had quite a busy weekend with the Ducks Unlimited Banquet Friday night and St. Patricks day festivities Saturday/Saturday night.

The Ducks Unlimited banquet was an absolute blast. I mentioned the puppy that would be auctioned off in my last post. It went easily for $1,700-- crazy! I'll leave it at there was lots of food, lots of music, nearly fifteen hundred students, and an open bar. Fun fun!

Saturday I woke up to work the Spring Carnival at my Elementary school, wearing green of course! I have always loved St. Patrick's day and was excited to spend it with the kiddos in the morning and my friends later in the evening! I don't have any pictures from the carnival but it was a good time. When I came home I was tempted to take a nap to recover from DU festivities but with it being St. Patrick's day and 70 degrees with the sun shining that was not an option. I headed to one of my good friends house who was having a get together. Apparently everyone had the same thing in mind because her house ended up turning into quite the gathering.

Saturday night I went out with friends to a local bar. St Patty's day is huge at my school so there were tons of people out. I may or may not have snuck in food coloring to die my drinks green throughout the night.

Unfortunately Sunday the fun was over. After sleeping in rather late, I got busy working on lesson plans, a portfolio and grad school applications. I didn't mind working on these things though because I had a chance to sit on my sun porch with the door open.. I am l-o-v-i-n-g the weather we have had lately!! Perfection! I hope y'all had a great weekend!


  1. LOVE that first photo! All of your outfits are so cute!

  2. Love your outfits!! You're too cute, girl! Love that you took food coloring die in the bar, hah!


Sweet Thoughts(: