
Thursday, April 19, 2012

Graduation Announcements

With graduation quickly approaching I had to get the ball rolling with graduation announcements. After viewing someones blog I came across Miss Sarah Anne Watson, a graduate of the University of Florida. After viewing some of her work I decided she was the perfect person to design my graduation announcement! I wasn't sure if I was going to send announcements out seeing as I sent them out for high school graduation four years ago. I decided I did in fact want to send some out but only to my closest friends and family. Sarah was a joy to work with and I couldn't be happier with the final product. You can view her work here.

My announcements are officially sent out so I wanted to share them with all of you as well! Any other graduating seniors, are you sending announcements out this year?


  1. I got mine today and I plan on sending them out this weekend :)

  2. I dont like the fact that you are graduating.

    P.S.. I nominated you for the versatile blogger award :)

  3. Congrats on graduating! Love these announcements - super cute!

  4. Cutesy!!! I am sending mine out this week! Congratulations to us heehee!

  5. I sent out some two weeks ago, not nearly as cute as yours! Happy graduation week :)


Sweet Thoughts(: