
Monday, April 30, 2012

Home Stretch

Hey friends, I know I have been MIA for a little while now and I blame it all on the craziness of the last little bit of senior year. Last week I came down with a bug and that left me immobile in my bed wondering how I could possibly survive the day. (I could be a little dramatic but it was bad enough to miss two days of my internship!) Believe it or not it is my LAST week of college. Maybe you can believe it but I sure cannot! Time has absolutely flown by!! I'm at my internship today and will be through Wednesday. Friday is the big graduation ceremony day and then I'm all finished and officially a licensed teacher.

I have so much to share that happened while I was taking my little break. I'll start with my favorite part- last Friday my students through me a surprise going away party in class. I will say they went above and beyond and really did surprise me to the fullest. My clinical teacher had me run a fake errand only to my surprise when I returned there was a room full of students, parents, decorations, donuts and gifts galore. My students made me a book titled "How to be a good teacher" and homemade cards. I now have an entire bag full of school goodies- pencils, stickers, stamps, bulletin board supplies, etc. You know you are a teacher when this stuff makes you giddy! I am so appreciative of all my wonderful students I have had this year!

opening gifts

me and my students!

the setup


  1. That is so sweet! I cannot wait to student teach next semester!


  2. Those pictures are so cute! What a sweet group of kids!

  3. love it! so cute great post =]

  4. Look at those sweet faces! This sounds so special! Glad you are over your bug and able to enjoy your last week! I still have 2 finals next week, but with graduation at the end of my tunnel I can get through any exam!

  5. That is so sweet! The pic of you and your kids is precious! I hope your last week of college goes well!

  6. Awww it looks like the sweet kid in the front is making his hands into a heart for you!


Sweet Thoughts(: