
Thursday, July 12, 2012

And I'm Off

My best girl friends + roadtrip + beach music + birthday celebrations= a good time.

I've been anxiously waiting for today to get here because it means I'm finally off for celebrations! Tonight I'm heading to Raleigh to see Craig Woolard play at North Hill's. I've seen them play several times and they always put on the best show. My best friend Maghan and I have even managed to get on stage and sing with them not once but twice. Ha, I'm not sure how we manage that. I'm so excited though!! I LOVE live music and will be with the best group of girls (:  Tomorrow when we wake up Maghan and I will be hopping in the car again and heading to Charlottesville VA to celebrate another friend, Hilary's birthday. If you've followed me for a while you may remember her. I visited for her birthday last year and again in the fall.

Us three last year

I hope yall have a great weekend. I'll be sure to recap!

and Happy Birthday Hilary!


  1. Sounds like a perfect weekend! I'm jealous you'll be at beach music.. one of the many NC favorites I miss!

  2. I am in Charlottesville too this weekend (as I am most weekends). :) Have a blast!!

  3. Have fun on your travels!! Let me know if you want any C'ville suggestions, although you're friend is probably an expert!

  4. I live in Charlottesville!


Sweet Thoughts(: