
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Need A Giggle?

Last night two of my girl friends and I decided to go see a hypnotist on campus. Random, I know! Every year the same guy comes to all of the freshman orientation sessions and puts on an amazing show. I missed it at my orientation because lucky me, I had strep throat and it was 100 degrees outside. There was no way I was attending the optional session. Now years later everyone still talks about the show and I still hadn't seen it. Well all summer my best Ash and I decided that one night we would find out when orientation was in town and go check it out. That we did last night and it was amazing. I have not laughed that hard in a while. I was extremely skeptical at first because I mean who can really hypnotize a person and make them do anything? Well apparently hypnotist Michael C. Anthony can! Seriously, if you ever get a chance to see him I highly recommend it. His show was absolutely phenomenal. (getting to pretend we were soon to be freshman was just an added bonus(: haha, if only!)

How many Bachelorette fans do we have left out there? I know this season has been every more cheesy than most- but I'm still tuned in every week for the drama. My heart was a tad broken last night when Emily said bye to my favorite- Sean. How she can not give that cutie a rose is beyond me. Sean if you are out there and still lonely, I would definitely give you all the roses you want(:

One of my favorite parts of watching the Bachelor/Bacherlorette is twitter during the show. Everyone seems to have a reaction about what is going on. I came across a website that highlights some of the funniest tweets during the show. I don't agree with them all but they are too funny to not share!

"Emily cries like a kitten with asthma. #kindofadorable #Bachelorette"

"#bachelorette Hasn’t Emily noticed that Jef is the size of a Snickers bar yet?"

"Jeff, let's get real about that Jimmy Neutron hair.."

" I wouldn't be good at hometown week. I'd be drunk and catching up with my mom, not worrying about the dude.."

"I'm crying because Kensington's cottage looks bigger than my apartment. Not to mention better decorated #bachelorette"
^My favorite- that cottage was AMAZING. Lucky girl!

haha, I'll stop now. Not always nice but if you are an avid show watcher you know it's too funny.

Have a great afternoon ladies!

1 comment:

  1. I was a Sean fan and was sad when she let him go too! Cute blog!


Sweet Thoughts(: