
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Tuesday Catch Up

I don't know what people used to do before computers were in high demand. I have been computerless since last week because mine has been in the shop with a virus. Thank goodness I have it back now and can continue with me routine blogging, pinning, tweeting, facebooking.. the list goes on, ha.

This past weekend I headed home to see my parents. I didn't get home until late Friday night because I had to babysit all day before I could leave. After grabbing Mexican for dinner (my guilty pleasure) my mom and I decided to rent The Big Miracle. Have any of you seen it? It's a true story about three whales trapped in forming ice in Alaska. It was great, I recommend it if you're looking for a redbox!

I spent all day Saturday at a family reunion at Hyco Lake. We had a nice time even though it rained the majority of the day. Sadly, no pictures were taken by me :( Sunday was completely perfect because I did absolutely nothing. I love lazy days!! I have been having too many but I know in just a few more days I will be busy busy. I did get one productive thing done though. I went through boxes and boxes of children's books that were given to me by a retired teacher and decided what I did want and didn't want. That was quite the task! I'm soooo excited about my new books though!! I ended the night watching the finale of The Bachelorette. I couldn't be happier for Emily- Jef (with one f) is p.e.r.f.e.c.t!!

I'm now tuning into Bachelor Pad which started last night. One of the guys on the show described it as The Bachelor meets Dr. Seuss and I couldn't agree more. Drama Drama Drama! I'm sure it will be a very interesting season.

1 comment:

  1. I loved the Big Miracle too! So cute.
    And there really is nothing better than a lazy sunday!


Sweet Thoughts(: