
Wednesday, August 8, 2012


Well it's safe to say my summer has officially come to an end. No more days of nothing to do except babysit and enjoy the sunshine. I have officially started my teaching career this week! To be honest I was rushing this week to get here. Don't get me wrong, having nothing to do is nice, very nice.. however, after awhile it gets old. I have been ready to have a schedule and feel productive during the days. This week marked the start of New Teacher Orientation. We are half way through and I'm already worn out. I better get used to it since this is just the start, ha. I have orientation and training all of this week and next week before the official school year begins next Friday! 

I'm going to try to keep a good balance on here as far as topics go however right now teaching is what is consuming my life and all I can seem to think about! Here is my classroom update: I got into my classroom last week and was able to see the room and move desk around. The teacher that was in the classroom before me still had all of her materials in the room so I couldn't do much else. She has picked them up since then but I haven't had a chance to get back to the school since I have been in training! That doesn't mean I haven't been planning though! I can't wait to get in my room and make it come to life. 

When I first saw my classroom I couldn't wait to send this picture out to all of my friends. I'm SO excited!! I still can't completely grasp the concept that this is MY classroom. Yay! 

I know I get the award for worst blogger ever. When I don't have a set schedule I can't ever find a good time to sit down to blog. This summer I also didn't feel like I had much to share on a daily basis. However, one reason I like to blog is because it's a stress reliever. I can already tell that this is going to be a good time to start back up. It is the start of a whole new chapter for me so why not document it all?! 

A few things you missed while I was gone:

- I had a birthday! I had friends come to town and 
we had SO much fun celebrating my 22nd! 

- I made some very fun tax free weekend purchases 
that might even deserve a post of their own

-I picked up my great grandmothers rocking chair and
 started painting it for my classroom! 

- I bought a new Mac computer!

- and I had my last day babysitting for the family 
I have worked for the past three years :( Bittersweet! 


  1. I feel so behind! I didn't know that you had a job already and your own classroom!? That is so exciting! Can't wait to read about all your classroom projects and such! Good luck with everything!

  2. Congrats on your job and all the other super exciting things going on in your life! Just remember, he first year of teaching is going to be a crazy whirlwind but will be worth every single minute! Best of luck:-)


Sweet Thoughts(: