
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Crunch TIme

I have been wanting to post for the past few days but have been so busy I haven't had a moment of spare time. I'm okay with being busy but I'm going to have to make myself have some blog time!! Blogging is my brief moment to unwind.

Last Friday was the first official teacher workday. I've been in training for the past two weeks but that was all new teacher kinda stuff. I spent the entire day Friday working in my classroom. What I didn't expect was that I would spend the entire day cleaning out all of the OLD stuff from my room to make room for new things. I left the school that evening tired and overwhelmed with everything that still needed to be done. Thankfully when I left my mom and sister were in town waiting on me!

My principle asked the staff if anyone would be interested in coming to the school on Saturday to work in our classrooms. Surprise surprise, all of the new teachers were the first to respond to the offer, ha. I couldn't have been happier because I left Friday very stressed. I have decided I am the luckiest girl in the world because my mom and sister offered to spend there ENTIRE day Saturday working in my classroom with me! They are lifesavers.. I could NOT have gotten everything done without them. Thanks again mom and Ginny!! I still have a ton of things to do like adding more labels, moving in my rocking chair, organizing the storage closet and file cabinet, etc. BUT at least the appearance is starting to come together- just in time for open house Thursday!! Oh! and did I tell you I got my class roster?! I have the sweetest babies this year. I'm so excited!!

Here is some of the progress made:

The gum balls have my students name in them 

My word wall. 
I decided to place it directly on the wall to save bulletin board space 

My behavior chart. These are the steps my school requires but I decided to jazz up the actual chart. Clothespins with students names still have to be added! 

Some of my labels from TPT

For above my class library 

My room is coming along but there is still ALOT to do! 
After we finished up on Saturday my mom, sister and I went to dinner and to see the new movie The Odd Life of Timothy Green. Have any of you seen it?! It is the sweetest movie ever!! I couldn't help but cry once or twice or three times. Even the grown men in the theatre were teary eyed. If you're looking for something to do I suggest going to see it!! 

1 comment:

Sweet Thoughts(: