
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

A Million Miles a Minute

This is my motto this week. 
I have a million things running through my head right now. How to organize my classroom, Common Core, open house, workdays, bulletin boards, lesson plans, Daily 5, classroom library, more Common Core, orientation and the list just goes on and on. This is week number 2 of training and it's safe to say my brain is on information OVERLOAD. The coffee is flowing because I don't see the madness going away until my classroom is fully ready. 

Speaking of coffee- I am in t.r.o.u.b.l.e! I've talked before about my love for pumpkin spice lattes at Starbucks in the fall. I try to refrain from drinking them every day like I would like to because it gets expensive but look what I just came across.. 

I see very little hope for my addiction going away this fall. Oh well! 


  1. Yummy!! Erica

  2. o my god I will have to buy that cafe mate flavor!

  3. Ahhh good luck pulling it all together! I begin New Teacher Week Monday!

  4. I started buying that creamer last year and while it is not the same as the Starbucks latte, it's pretty close for a fraction of the price!


Sweet Thoughts(: