
Monday, August 13, 2012

Monday Monday

It was so hard to get out of bed this morning! I'm still not used to waking up so early and once school officially starts my morning will be even earlier. I don't know about you and your friends but last night this girls twitter and Facebook only contained one thing: 


Spice Girls and Shark Week.. 

I kid you not for a good hour and more no one on Twitter or Facebook had anything to say that didn't involve one or the other.

I thought it was amusing but anyway, on to more important stuff! 
I hope you had a good weekend! Mine was nice but went by way too fast. Remember TechFest I said I was going to last Friday? Remember all those door prizes and raffles? Yeah, so there were over 100 gifts given out. And not just any gifts, I'm talking iPods, IPads, Nooks, Mimio Boards and more. Over 100 and did this girls name get drawn? Nope. I don't know how that happens!! Worst luck ever! Some amazing teachers won though so it's A-Okay. I'm now spending my time dreaming of a Nook. I've decided it's my newest "must have" obsession. (So if you're reading mom let's add that to the Christmas Wish List) 

This week I am attending an educational conference all about Common Core. I'm still nervous about the new standards so hopefully this week will be able to clear things up. Annddd.. one more exciting thing happens this week. My sister moves back to town!! Yay! I'm so excited-- I've missed her! She has been working at a summer camp all summer and loving every minute. As much fun as she had I couldn't be happier to have her back in the same town as me. 

Isn't she cute?!

Happy Monday Friends! 


  1. Good luck with the beat that is Common Core! Have you heard of the website, They have lots of great FREE resources for the new standards.

  2. I love shark week! guess what girl? you won my giveaway! comment on my blog with your email address so I can send it to you.


Sweet Thoughts(: