
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Day

Election Day 2012 is here
It is such an important day in America. I hope you all take the time to vote. 

Yesterday the kiddo's exercised their right to vote with a cookie election. It was so much fun!! They were able to taste test two different kinds of cookies and fill out a ballot on their favorite. We then headed to the "polls" (In the hallway) and all of first grade cast their vote. We find out who the winner is today. We had to celebrate Election day one day early at school because today is the 50th day of school! Time is FLYING by. 

I personally am glad it is Election day and all of this campaigning can STOP. I feel strongly about one party HOWEVER... I think it is easy for both side to get carried away in campaigning and take it overboard. I'm tired of the negativity and I'm tired of people who don't know what they are talking about pretending like they do.

I'll be at school rocking my red white and blue celebrating the 50's today. Have a great day! 

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Sweet Thoughts(: