
Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Election Fun

Just a note: I have no idea who has won/will win the 2012 Presidential Election when I write this post. While the election can bring stress and anticipation it can also bring hope, excitement and a little bit of fun! There is something magical about not knowing what to expect and having hope. My election fun started yesterday when my kids got a taste of the political process. To bring it down to a first grade level my grade level hosted a 2012 Cookie Election. Who will win.. chocolate chip cookies or butter? Students were able to taste test, cast a ballot and vote on their favorite cookie. 

Well votes were cast and chocolate chip it is! 

It's been said that southerners will use any excuse to throw a party. I've heard of everything from it's fall parties to hurricane parties. (yes.. let's have a party because there is a hurricane? not one of my finer moments from college) Just like a reason to celebrate us southerners also love any reason to dress up. Being election day I of course had to sport red, white and blue today! 

To watch the election coverage several girls and I got together to celebrate. We made cupcakes, dip and mulled wine. [just a side note... if it was socially/physically acceptable to drink nothing but pumpkin spice latte's and mulled wine I would do it. Those two things make me the happiest girl in the world] It was so much fun to watch and discuss the coverage with the girls!

Question for my teacher friends:

I really want to set up a website where I can post pictures of my students for parents to see. I also want to make sure it is private, safe and free. Does anyone know of a good site to use?


  1. I went to a school on the coast and am veryyy guilty of attending and even hosting quite a few hurricane parties haha

  2. So fun! Love y'all's cookie election and your election day outfit!

    I do a blog with my students on blogger just like my personal one...I think you can make it private...we don't, though just because we never say anything about where we live, what school we are, or anyone's last name...I have my parents sign a permission form! This is my 3rd year doing it, the parents love it, and we've had no problems!


Sweet Thoughts(: