
Friday, December 28, 2012

Reading In Style

It's nothing new to know this girl loves to read. Reading is one of the most relaxing and enjoyable activities you can do. Everyone has their "type" of book. My type is a mix between books I can relate to and books that you can imagine every detail. I have a deep love for books set in the south and books about girls my age. Not too long ago I posted here about "10 books every girl in her twenties should read." I have since read two of them- 

 They were both pretty good. I would recommend them to girls my age! Neither was quite what I expected though. Both books jumped around from person to person, or different parts of a characters life. None the less I could relate to both books so that was a win for me. I just finished the last one so now it's time to move on to the next! My mom was so sweet to give me a Kindle Fire for Christmas and I am so excited to download my first book purchase on it!! I was starting to acquire quite a large stack of books and didn't know where to put them. I don't have a hallway like this after all.. (although it would be neat if I did) 

Now with my Kindle I can read all I want and not worry about where to store my books! 

This is where I need your help though!! I would LOVE some good book suggestions! I know I would like to read Pride and Prejudice which is on the list mentioned above. I'm not sure what else though. I would really appreciate any suggestions you have! 


  1. I'm currently reading Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn and its amazing! Totally recommend it!

  2. If you read/enjoyed The Hunger Games try Divergent series or Matched series for easier reads. I recieved Gone Girl for Christmas and have only heard good things.

  3. Thanks for posting the link! I am the same--I like to read books relevant to women my age.


  4. I want to work my way through that list, too! Glad to hear these are good!

  5. I saw Girls in White Dresses the other day at the bookstore and it drew me in...totally judging the book by its cover :) on my to-read list!!

  6. Girls in White Dresses is on my "To Read" list! I just finished Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn and loved it, definitely worth checking out!


Sweet Thoughts(: