
Thursday, January 31, 2013

Carolina you keep calling me home

If you are from NC I know you can relate to this one. We go from snow to 70 degree weather in a week. And no, I'm not exaggerating .. We had early dismissal for snow on Friday and the following Tuesday and Wednesday have been in the 70's. 

With that being said I am now ready to blame NC on my year long sinus infection. I am currently laying down exhausted with body chills, killer sore throat and a pounding headache. 

But I don't want to be a debbie downer. In reality I'm actually kinda obsessed with North Carolina. It's obviously the best state ever! (unless I could be from Savannah, GA.. then GA might win) 

Even though the 70 degree weather popped up out of no where at least we got it in January right?! That's enough to get me smiling! 

Beach? Mountains? Outer Banks? No problem, we've got it all

North Carolina has more craft brewers than any other Southern state (or so Southern Living says) Cheers to that! 

Our BBQ- seriously the b.e.s.t

Andy Griffith, Mayberry is in NC
Need I say more?

Sinus Infection or not- My roots are proudly in NC. As Eric Church said- 
Like a phone call from my baby, 
Saying honey I miss you like crazy
Kinda like a siren song
Oh Cara-lina keep calling me home


  1. I love that comic! I heard a rumor that after our icy weather last week, two days in the 70's this week, and a tornado watch yesterday that we are supposed to have icy rain again this weekend. REALLY?!?

  2. Amen! I couldn't see myself living anywhere else!

  3. I love the state of North Carolina and hope to move there after graduation!

  4. That was weather here in Illinois yesterday.
    I love the little strip though that demonstrated the weather.
    I hope that you are feeling better.

  5. Being a graduate of UNC, I can definitely say that NC is the best state--although CA is coming in at a close second right now.


Sweet Thoughts(: