
Wednesday, January 30, 2013


I haven't linked up with Jamie from This Kind of Love in seriously forever for What I'm Loving Wednesday. I think it's time to hop back on the band wagon because there are certainly lots to love today!

I'm loving that the high today is in the upper 70's 

I'm loving how excited my first graders are over learning about maps .. 
They are seriously so happy and I love it!! 

I'm loving Lilly's new spring line 

I'm loving that I have developed a super close
 bond with a group of young teachers at my school 

I'm loving I get to go HOME this weekend to see my mom. I'm homesick y'all! 

I'm loving that it's my roomies 23rd birthday today! 
(we celebrated this past weekend but it's actually today)

What are you loving?


  1. I'm loving getting to go home, too! Even if it is just for a night. Your group of teacher friends looks so sweet! Have a great Wednesday.

  2. Not to rain on your parade, but I'm loving that it's about to cool back off down here! It's been in the mid-70s all week, and I'm not ready to give up my cool temps just yet. :)

  3. You and your teacher friends are so cute! Most of the young teachers in my grade teach in the upper grades, so I don't get to interact with them a whole lot!


Sweet Thoughts(: