
Monday, February 11, 2013

Here we go again

...and it's Monday again. The weekends always go by way too fast and Monday's alarm is always the hardest to wake up to. Here we are though at the start of another week. Valentines week! 

I was very low key this weekend and it was just what I needed. When I say low key I mean I was literally in my house other than leaving for church, the gym and dinner one night. This gave me lots of time to lesson plan and catch up on sleep. Y'all.. I even took a nap on Saturday. I don't remember the last time I had time for a nap. It was heavenly. 

Saturday I went to the gym with my little sister. (She isn't too little though seeing as she turns 21 next weekend!) We spent a good 2+ hours there and it was awesome. I've really been trying to stick with eating healthier and working out more. For all you runners out there ignore this next part. If you have followed me for a while you may remember me posting about how much I hate running. I've never been able to keep it up. Even the thought of running a 1/2 mile would make me cringe. Well, I have been working hard at it for the past month or so and on Saturday this girl was able to run 2 miles straight. I know for all the avid runners out there that isn't much. For me it was such a huge accomplishment though! I'm even more motivated now to keep going. I plan on running a 5K this spring so I still have lots of work to do! 

I also started a new all girls bible study. We met for the first time last night and I am thrilled to have the opportunity to meet with such a great group of girls. Last night was more of a meet and greet but next week we will be diving in to the book The Circle Maker. Ever heard of it? 


  1. Sometimes, you just need a good low key weekend (mine sounded about the same, nap included).
    I have started running this past month, and it definetly gets easier as you go, plus a race is a great motivator.

  2. Congrats on your running accomplishments! I started running seriously a few years ago now, and you will be surprised how quickly you can pick up more distance. Also, this doesn't work for everyone, but I listen to books on tape rather than music while I run because I get so focused on the book I forget about the pain/boringness of running haha

  3. Running 2 miles is a great accomplishment! There's no way I could do that now if my life depended on it. I was there a few years ago, but I've lost it. Working on it, though :)


Sweet Thoughts(: