
Wednesday, February 13, 2013


It's that time again- time to link up with This Kind of Love for What I'm Loving Wednesday!

 I'm loving that Valentines day has given me the perfect excuse to wear pink everyday this week. 

I'm loving that we are that much closer to the weekend. I have 2 friends coming in town , my mom coming to town, and my little sisters 21st birthday to celebrate!! 

I'm LOVING LOVING (yes double loving) that I got the BEST report from my substitue on Monday. I had to attend a 1/2 day training on Monday which meant I also had to leave my kids with a sub for a half day. Maybe I'm overprotective but I was not loving the idea of leaving my babies for the 1st time. I returned Tuesday morning with an amazing note from the sub about how wonderful my kids were and my lesson/teaching! Insert huge grin here-! It was just what I needed to hear. 

I love that I found this fall view of my college campus on pinterest 

Finally, I'm loving these words of wisdom


  1. Glad you got such a wonderful review! Hope you have a great rest of your week!

  2. Glad you had a good review. I left my kids for the first time when I had a death in the family and I didn't get to tell them and I was so nervous but they were beautiful!
    Have fun with your sister!

  3. Love everything about this post! Getting a good note from a sub is the best!

  4. I really love that 2nd to last quote. :) I hope you're having a wonderful weekend with your family and friends!


Sweet Thoughts(: