
Thursday, February 28, 2013

March Madness

Is anyone else in complete shock that the first day of March is this Friday? Seriously, where does time go? Spring is in 21 days exactly in case you were wondering. I still feel like a brand new teacher trying to plan pumpkin math for the fall... not someone who almost has their 1st year of teaching over with and has spring break coming up! Crazy, crazy, crazy. 

I was recently looking through my phone at pictures from this time last year. I was one happy girl enjoying the last little bit of college. I'm so happy to be where I am but wish I could go back sometimes! Looking back at pictures from this time last year made me also look back at my blog post from a year ago. I think being able to look back at my little journey though life is the best part of keeping a blog. It's so interesting and sometimes amusing to see what I had to say a year ago. Things have completely changed for sure. Oddly enough almost one year ago I did a recap of where I was a year ago. How strange! The warm weather must get me wanting to reflect on things, ha. 

While I'm reflecting I think it would be a good time to check up on some goals I made back in January. You may remember this post where I made myself spring goals. (I skipped out on the whole New Years Resolution). To me setting goals for the upcoming season seemed much more manageable. We haven't reached the end yet so I have lots more work to do but here is my progress so far:

1. Eat healthier- check! 

I've been eating MUCH healthier. Now I still have my occasional slip ups (cough cough, mexican food..) My goal wasn't to eat perfect though- it was to eat healthier. There have been tons of fresh produce in this girls kitchen lately! 

2. Drink more water and less soda- check! 

I have cut soda out completely and it feels great!
 I still need to drink more water though. 

3. Gym grind- check! 

On average I've been going to the gym 3-5 times a week. 

4. Run a 5k- hmm

I've found one, I've been working on it.. Not quite there yet. 

5. Take a concealed carry class- I plan to do this closer to spring! 

6. Find a teaching job in a new city- 

My application has been sent to Wake County and 
Guilford County so for now we will wait and see. 


  1. Girl, come teach in Greenville SC!! :) I'll be your friend!

  2. You can come to Richmond too, haha!

    I love looking back on my blog too, it's a good way to reflect on things!

  3. woohoo wake county! I know wake county is technically on a freeze for new positions but always gets off the freeze around mayish for the next school year.


Sweet Thoughts(: