
Monday, March 25, 2013

Survival Mode

Happy Monday friends! I am happy happy happy to be back on the blog. I had to take a week off because I have been living in straight survival mode since last weekend. I caught a bad horrible stomach virus that swept me right off my feet- and not in a good way. 

Last weekend I made a trip home to visit the family. It was such a nice trip (until I got sick). I spent time with my mom and sister. We went on several walks and celebrated St Patricks day. 

Between basketball tournaments at the Greensboro Coliseum and St Patricks day downtown Greensboro was a fun place to be. We checked out a few places, listened to some music and tried some green beer of course. Unlucky for me this is where it all went downhill... Mid St Patricks day celebration the stomach flu hit. Needless to say my night in downtown Greensboro ended quickly so I could head home and almost die. (I may be a little dramatic.. I wasn't really dying. It sure felt like it though!) 

10 pounds, lots of applesauce,  2 days out of work, and 1 week later I am finally back to normal. Praise the good Lord! This girl does not do well with illness. 

I celebrated being back to normal with a little play time with my best girl friends this weekend. We had so much fun out and about!! I wish the weekend could have been just 1 day longer! I also racked up at the Ann Taylor Loft sale - come on warm weather! I've got shorts and tank tops to start wearing. 

I also should be honest with myself and admit that I have a new addiction... To Frozen Yogurt. It's bad, I want it all day, everyday- loaded to the top with toppings. Uh- bad addiction before bikini season! I took a week off from the gym when I got sick. It looks like I will need to get my workout grind back on starting today. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I caught food poisoning two weeks ago and then a week later, Kevin caught that norovirus that's going around. So I can relate to the whole sickness thing. It sucks... try being pregnant with it! haha

    I'm glad you're feeling better! Just think... spring break is just around the corner :P

  3. Glad you are feeling better, stomach flu's are the worst! I am loving your green dress and black ruffle top, where did you find them? And frozen yogurt is my kryptonite, whenever I am having a bad day I pop into Sweet Frog - so bad!


Sweet Thoughts(: