
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Weekend Recap

Hello friends, I am a day late with my weekend recap because daylight savings has completely exhausted me! I'm pretty sure I was still asleep driving to work this morning. It didn't help that it was still pitch black outside. It was very nice to be able to leave the gym though and it still be daylight outside. That used to be a rare occurrence. 

Anywho, I had the BEST weekend with my girl friends at the beach! Me and two of my best girl friends from college headed to Emerald Isle for the weekend. We couldn't have picked a better time to go as the weather was gorgeous! 

We did a little beach walking, some ocean front gazebo napping, lots of girl talk, strawberry margaritas, lots of food and even more laughs. Just being able to catch up with these girls was the highlight of the trip. The pretty beach weather has me that much more ready for warm temperatures! 

I'm also ready for these little babies.. 

I've seen lots of Easter/Spring blog post lately and I now have a huge craving for these speckled chocolate Easter eggs. 

Hint hint, mom.. maybe we should have a bowl ready when I come home(;


  1. ahhh I'm SO ready for wrightsville in two weeks... these pictures made me want it NOW!

  2. I am actually headed to Emerald Isle for the first time this you have any recommendations on where to go/what to do?
    Have a great week!


Sweet Thoughts(: