
Friday, March 8, 2013

TGIF-Beach Bound!

After a very LONG week of feeling under the weather I am happier than ever to say TGIF! I know I will be in a good mood with my kiddos all day because... 

1. I let myself have my coffee this morning
(I try to save this for Fridays and weekends) 

2. As of 3pm I am beach bound with 2 of my very best college friends! One other girl was supposed to come also but wont be able to make it because of snow up North. :( 

I mean who wouldn't want to spend a weekend with 


We ALWAYS have fun together. that time we became Craig Woolard groupies 

and then that time we did it again. insisting we make a stage appearance 

So obviously I'm so excited!! I'll be back Monday exhausted from fun and filled with happiness(: Have a great weekend! 


  1. hope you're having so much fun at the beach! i'm leaving for vaca in a week and i'm sooo excited!

  2. Have fun at the beach! I'm jealous :)


Sweet Thoughts(: