
Friday, April 19, 2013

I'm Picking Strawberries

Yesterday the entire first grade took our classes on a field trip to the strawberry patch. It was so much fun to interact with the kids outside of the school building! 

All smiles on the way! This turned into naps on the ride home. 

Hay Ride!

Picking strawberries 

Just milking fake cows

By the end of the school day it's safe to say I was a wee bit exhausted. Thank goodness today is Friday! 

I also did a little birthday celebrating with my best friend. We went to see the Dueling Pianos who are absolutely amazing! Happy 22nd Ashley! Yesterday was her actual birthday but since we both had work in the morning we are doing our big celebration tonight. 


  1. How cute is your class! Have fun celebrating!

  2. We went to the pumpkin patch in the fall and are going to the zoo next week!

    Love your sunglasses!


Sweet Thoughts(: