
Friday, May 3, 2013

Spring Gift Giving

Opps, I did it again- I found myself taking a tiny blog break. I don't need to say things have been crazy because y'all know, I'm sure. I can say the official countdown to the end of school is fast approaching. 26 school days left!! While that is so close it's also so far away considering we have several major events coming up even faster! 

1. Kentucky Derby 
Wishing I would be sporting some Lilly and 
a hat for the festivities. Maybe next year! 

2. Graduation 
My very best friend as well as my roommate are both 
graduating from undergrad next weekend. It's hard to believe 
it's been a year since I was in their shoes! 

3. Mothers Day 
I'm super excited for mothers day this year because I 
have a special surprise planned for mom! More on that later.. 

What do all of these things have in common?! 
They are all events that scream gift giving! Is your friend hosting a Derby party? Do you know girls graduating high school or college? Of course mom deserves a gift! 

If you are searching for the perfect gift I suggest checking out this to die for shop. Lifeguard Press has everything you might need at any price range. I was recently able to try out one of their Lilly Pulitzer Ink Pens in the precious Chin-Chin pattern. It is honestly so adorable I want to keep it laying out on my dresser for looks! I'm a sucker for sticking to tradition so the thought of giving a Lilly pen to someone for graduation seems too perfect. 

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Sweet Thoughts(: