
Monday, April 8, 2013

The Not So Springy Spring Break

Well spring break is officially over. (Insert sad face) I made it back from my little get away to the mountains! It was an absolutely wonderful trip with the best friend and her family. In college when I thought of spring break my mind went to beaches, partying, friends, etc. Not anymore! Being a full time teacher a week off to relax in the mountains was just what I needed. It wasn't warm relaxation though- it's April and we saw snow. No joke.. I need spring to arrive and stay put! 

We left the Monday after Easter and spent the first day checking out the area and really just taking it easy. The rest of the trip was full of shopping, eating and napping. Those 3 things took up the majority of our time and this girl is not complaining. There were outlets less than a mile away from where we were staying so we spent an entire day doing damage there. We also did a little sweet tooth damage at Mast General Store which has every type of candy you could possibly imagine. I saw candy I haven't seen since I was at least 10!

Ashley's family has a way of scoping out the absolute best restaurants when they go on vacation. I am positive I gained 10+ pounds this week! I wish I had taken pictures of more of my meals/restaurants but I get super awkward sitting at the table trying to inconspicuously snap a picture of my plate. I don't know how so many bloggers get all these good meal pictures!  I did manage to get one of the BEST salad. It had strawberries, roasted cashews and an assortment of other things in it. The bloody mary to drink made it that much better! (Side note- that is my all time favorite type of drink)

Ashley and I ventured into Boone on our snow day to do some shopping and explore ASU. While I was in the area I had the pleasure of meeting the sweet Melody from Sweet Like a Song. It was SO nice to put a face to the blog! She was an absolute joy to meet!!

That night I went out with an old friend from high school that currently attends ASU. I love checking out other college towns! 

It was an absolute PERFECT get away!! Now that I've had that last dose of winter lets pretty please move onto spring!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Glad you had such a great spring break. Enjoy your last few weeks of teaching..summer is almost here!!


Sweet Thoughts(: