
Wednesday, April 10, 2013


I'll start by saying this post will probably have lots of gramatical errors and ramble a bit. I'm so sleepy but I just have to blog! (Because I love blogging, duh!)

I have recently developed a new obsession and it's an obsession I don't mind keeping around for a while. RUNNING. If you have followed me for a while you know that I've been a "yo-yo" runner. I'm on, I'm off, I'm on, I'm off... I just haven't ever been able to really stick with it. I am happy to say I think the tables have finally started to turn. 

I havent't caught you up on the Color Me Rad 5K I participated in over spring break! It was the day before Easter and unlike the mountain weather later in the week it was absolutely gorgeous outside!! Perfect temps for such a FUN run with the best friend! 

pre color 

Finish Line 

Since I have returned back to real life, aka back to work, I have discovered a new Iphone App that is really motivating me to lace up the shoes and head out for a jog. Does anyone else use Map My Run? I am loving it. It is so neat to see just how far you have gone on a route as well as other information such as average pace, time, calories, etc. I'm going to share a screen shot of my first Map My Run. Caution- This is a judge free zone! I'm in no way claiming to be a "runner" .. more like a beginner student in training(:

With the warm weather we have been having I'm excited to get out and keep it up. I have seen a HUGE difference in my overal energy/stress level since I have started eating healthier and exercising more. I made spring goals here where I committed to eat healthy, exercise, and even run a 5K which I did! yay! Since making these healthy changes almost 4 months ago I am so much happier!! Running is all part of me trying to change into a healthier person. I could do a whole post about how it has improved my overall energy level. It has made my job teaching first graders so much more FUN. I have energy to really carry out through the day and not crash after lunch. Happy happy teacher! 

I need some advice before I head out. I LOVE running skorts! I think they are just adorable.  I haven't purchased one yet but I'm very tempted! The problem- all my close friends think they are for tennis only. Not true!! Right?! I think I'm going to ignore them and get my run on pretty skort style. Do any other runners out there wear them? Happy Wednesday!


  1. You go girl! I can't even imagine running 6 miles - thats awesome! I'm going to have to check this app out!

  2. I did the Color Run in Atlanta this past weekend and it was SO fun! I'm already planning my next one. I am dying to be a runner but once a side cramp hits I'm done. They say you can "run through it" but honestly I think they're lying! :)

  3. I wanted to tdo the color run so bad. I usually get bored after a few miles but I want to do something more. I just need to sign up for a 10k as motivation!


Sweet Thoughts(: