
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Counting Down..

I officially have 18 school days left and a couple teacher workdays before it is SUMMER BREAK!! The end of the year is so close I can hardly believe it! I'm excited for the school year to end so I can spend my days doing the following:

working out, twice a day
This is something I have been wanting to do for a while but having to be at work so early, it hasn't been an option. This summer will be perfect for two a days though!

go to the pool all the time 

head to the beach whenever possible 

read read read 
lots of books at above mentioned pool and beach.. 

plan and organize for next school year! 
I have so many files I am dying to reorganize before next year. There are also some parts of my classroom I am looking forward to changing for next year. This summer will be the perfect opportunity to prepare. (I know this school year hasn't even ended but I can't help but start thinking about the next one!)

As you can tell there is nothing demanding about my summer to do list. I absolutely can.not.wait.


  1. Haha love the ecard! I feel your pain-we are almost there!!

  2. I just love that ecard!!!I hope that your last couple pf weeks are as stress-free as possible.

  3. A few of these are definitely on my summer list, too. Hope you have a great end of the year and start to your summer!

  4. I cannot wait to lay out on the beach or at the pool! So jealous you get a summer break, it will be well deserved (and love that e-card, I could always use a margarita!)

  5. I wish I had a pool I could lay out by during the summer... Alas, here in WA, it's not exactly ideal to have a pool, haha. Hopefully these next 18 days go quickly for ya!

  6. Beach, Beach, and Beach!!!

    Found you via Lifewithemily...following you now!

    Have a great day!


Sweet Thoughts(: