
Monday, May 13, 2013

Weekend Recap

I had quite a busy but wonderful weekend! There was lots to celebrate for sure. After school Friday I headed to my hometown to visit my parents. We had a great dinner and listened to some live music downtown. I am beyond thrilled that the weather is warm enough to sit outside!! 

Saturday morning my sister and I surprised my mom for mothers day. We told her to be ready to leave the house at 7:30am to head to Greensboro. When we got there we told her that we would be running in the Miles For Memory 5K and that we had been secretly raising money for Alzheimer's. A little background is that my grandmother had Alzheimers. We wanted to run the race in memory of her. It was also a mothers day present for my mom. It was also so nice to see my mom waiting for Ginny and I at the finish line! I can now cross running a 5K off my bucket list! (:

After the race we did a little shopping and had lunch but then I had to hit the road to head back to Greenville. I was sadly not even home 24hrs! It was not only mothers day this weekend but also graduation weekend! Some of my very close college friends as well as my all time best friend Ashley and roommate graduated from ECU this weekend. There were lots of graduation festivities going on so I of course had to be in town for at least one night. My roommate rented out a restaurant/bar so we started our celebration there and continued through the night. It made for one sleepy girl Sunday morning for sure. 

There wasn't much time to be sleepy though because some more graduate friends rented an inflatable water slide for the day to celebrate! There was no way I was going to miss out on that fun.. 

Who said growing up wasn't fun?! (; It really was a wonderful weekend. I hope yours was just as nice! 


  1. Oh my gosh, an inflatable water slide to celebrate? That looks like a blast!

  2. That's so special that you and your sister surprised your mom and did the run!! Looks like a good weekend!


Sweet Thoughts(: