
Monday, June 3, 2013

Monday Catch Up

I hope you all had a fabulous weekend! I spent mine at the beach and had an absolutely wonderful time! (Minus the slight sunburn)  The weekend flew by but then again they all seem to. Lots of seafood, beautiful weather and good company made for the perfect weekend! I headed down after work on Friday, and quickly got ready to go out to dinner with Justin. We ate at a place that had peel and eat shrimp and live music so I was in of course in Heaven. Saturday we had a huge breakfast and spent the day on the beach. I learned my lesson that knee caps CAN get sunburn and do require sunscreen just like the rest of your body. I got a little burnt everywhere but my knees are on fire.. ouch! Lesson learned. Sunday arrived way to quick! We spent the day relaxing and grilling out hamburgers. 

I'm actually not dreading starting back to work this week because it's the LAST week of school!! I absolutely cannot believe that I am finishing up my first year teaching! It's very bittersweet. I'm ready for summer but going to miss my students and the routine.  I don't want to rush these last few days away! 

It's safe to say this little one has found a very special place in my heart 

On another note- who all is tuning into the Bachelorette tonight?! I'm excited to see Des and all the guys. Does anyone else get the vibe that the guys this season seem a little on the weird side? I'm sure there will be a keeper in there and even more sure it will make for good TV watching the others. 

Have a great Monday (:


  1. GIRL! Details! Is this a new BF? Or is this the one you dated previously?

  2. I try each year to get into the Batchelorette and just can't! I am not much of a reality show girl- I feel like I am missing some sort of girl gene :)


Sweet Thoughts(: