
Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Gym Routine

Back in January or February I made a vow to start eating healthier and working out. It was one of the best decisions I've made. I realized that after getting into a healthy routine I was left with loads more energy and work seemed less stressful. 

With it being the end of the school year my work load has picked up leaving less time for the gym however, I am trying not to make excuses! It's all about what you really want- when there is a will there is a way (:

I absolutely love the gym I joined this year!! They have any and all the equipment you could possibly need, friendly staff, personal trainers and lots of fitness classes offered. I'll be moving next week and canceling my membership sadly but in the mean time I'm going to make as many visits as I can! This is what a typical week working out for me looks like:

My gym is closed on Sundays so I normally use this day as a rest day, especially if I have traveled over the weekend. I've also used a few Sunday's to get in a nice outdoor run though. 

Body Attack fitness class- this is my all time favorite class!! If you haven't heard of it, it's a Les Mills program that focuses on high intensity, sports inspired cardio. You WILL leave this class drenched but it will feel oh so good! 

Body Pump- this is another Les Mills class. It is less cardio and more strength training. We use a barbell to work all of the major muscle groups. 

I normally pick between a day off to work late (I rather work late one day a week in attempts to not bring weekend work home) or a walk/run outdoors. 

I head back to Body Pump and try to get a little cardio in on the treadmill as well. 

Very unpredictable! It depends where I am that weekend. Normally no gym visits but I do try to get at least one good run in! 

I also try to do a short ab workout every day. This is what has worked with me but of course everyone is different! What is your workout routine like?


  1. That's awesome! I try and get up to run before school 4/5 weekdays and at least 1 weekend day. My hubby is also really into Crossfit, so i signed up for a Groupon to give that a try this summer!

  2. You have got a great plan going! I try to run 3-4 days a week. I am currently loving Pure Barre classes which is amazing for toning!

  3. I love body pump!! So much fun!! I haven't gotten a chance to go lately though :/


Sweet Thoughts(: