
Wednesday, June 5, 2013


I'm linking up today with Jamie at This Kind of Love for What I'm Loving Wednesday! After all there are so many things to love right now!! 

I'm currently loving that I am ALMOST done with school! The kids last day is Monday next week and my last day is Thursday. Hello summer! 

That this boy has entered back into the life (:

That one of my best friends, who happens to also be my little in ZTA is ENGAGED. I couldn't be happier for her!! She asked me to be a bridesmaid and is also coming to visit this weekend! yay! 

That I temporarily moved in with my sister. We have lived in the same town for 2 years but never actually lived together. It's been so much fun! 

This Pinterest outfit find

and last but not least these oh so true words.. 

Happy Wednesday friends! Half way through the week! 


  1. Definitely some things to be excited about! COngrats to your little and I hope you have a fabulous start to your summer!!

  2. That Lilly dress is gorgeous!!


Sweet Thoughts(: