
Friday, July 19, 2013

5 on Friday

I'm excited to be linking up today for Five on Friday! Be sure to check out the lovely ladies hosting the link up. They are easily some of my favorite blog reads daily! Hello! Happiness, A. Liz AdventuresThe Good Life, and Carolina Charm

Call me crazy but y'all.. I have been thinking about Fall lately. Don't get me wrong I LOVE summer but these blazing hot temps have me secretly dreaming of riding boots, sweaters, and pumpkin spice lattes. I'm not ready for summer to end by any means but I am definitely looking forward to what is soon to come! 

Target does it again. I LOVE Target.. they have absolutely everything you need and everything you don't need but just have to have. During my last Target visit I found the same planner I used last year but in a new print. I had debated what I wanted to use for my main work planner this year because I was given the small Lilly Planner as a gift. I love this planner oh so much but was afraid the smaller size wouldn't work as well for work. The planner I used last year worked perfect so when I stumbled on it again for just $10 I knew I had to get it. I'm going to use this planner for work and the Lilly one for personal use! It's a win win! As a side note: I'm going to put a white monogram sticker on the front of the planner for a little personal touch. Also, I wanted to sneak in my other target find.. I can't wait to put this new colorful ottoman in my classroom!

I want.need.havetohave. these mats for my classroom this year! Last year I did without a rug and it made carpet time very difficult. My babies just didn't have an idea of what "personal" space was. Traditional classroom rugs can be VERY expensive but these puzzle piece mats would do the same job for much cheaper! Only problem.. My hometown Sears is sold out and I'm not a member of Sams club. Does anyone know somewhere else that sells these puzzle piece mats in primary colors?

Sometimes I want things to happen right when I want them to. It's important to always remember who is in control. We might not understand His timing but sometimes I don't think we are supposed to understand. Instead I want to live having faith that God is in control of all things. 

It's the weekend! Hip hip hooray! I am excited to spend this weekend with my loved ones. Justin is coming to town tonight and then we have a busy weekend ahead! Saturday is my family reunion and that night is my {basically family} little sisters 21st birthday party! Here is to a weekend of celebrating family and friends!


  1. Love those riding boots! And that ottoman. I'm excited to get my new classroom ready this coming week.

  2. I've been doing it too! There's too many cute fall items out right now, it's so tempting.

  3. I have been doing it too. I actually starting looking for good deals on Tory Burch riding boots on ebay this week. Target is oh so dangerous. I just got my work planner from there too!

  4. Have fun this weekend, YAY for 21st birthday celebrations!

  5. Oh I need those interlocking mats! My pre-k babies have no idea what personal space is and where the spot should be...this would be perfect. I just googled it and K-Mart came up, here is the link....


Sweet Thoughts(: