
Monday, July 22, 2013

Weekend Recap

Happy Monday friends! I had the best weekend that went by way too fast. They all seem to just fly by! Justin got here Friday afternoon just in time to have a drink and hang out with the family and the hounds on the deck. Other than some pesty mosquitoes it was the absolute perfect evening! We grabbed dinner at Sagebrush and called it a pretty early night. 

Saturday I introduced J to one of my favorite breakfast restaurants and then we headed to my family reunion. I honestly wasn't sure how fun the reunion would be at first but we ended up having the BEST time. It's so nice to catch up with family you only see a couple times a year. We ended up leaving a little early because we had to get back to celebrate a family friend's 21st birthday! 

This is my grandmother on a jet ski.. definitely a sight to see for those that know her! 

Caroline is my little sisters age but she is basically a sister to me. This girl has been ready to turn 21 since she was about 14 and I couldn't have been happier to celebrate the night with her! We are celebrating again next weekend when we go see Scotty McCreery!

A late night before called for a lazy Sunday. We rented the movie 21 and over which was pretty funny. We also ventured out to Kmart where I found the foam mats I was looking for! I never would have thought to look there but a sweet blog friend told me they might have them. (thanks again Addison!) Sure enough they did. They were also the cheapest I have seen them. Justin bought them for me as a early birthday present! (: I felt like a kid on Christmas.. so excited! Now I can't wait to get them in my classroom! While at Kmart J decided to be silly and convinced me to take this picture.. [side note.. I was SO nervous. I just knew we were going to get in trouble. He said it was the only way I could have the mats I wanted so badly though so up I went.] 


  1. I love your dress! Looks like you had a great weekend. I am glad you were able to find those mats at k-mart!!

  2. Ha, I just bought 21 and Over even though I've never seem it... I have a movie buying obsession. Sounds like a great weekend!


Sweet Thoughts(: