
Tuesday, July 23, 2013

So Much Excitement So Little Time

Recently it seems like I have so many things to look forward to that I am wound up with excitement ALL day. Seriously... the past two nights I have been up until midnight or later just thinking about all of the exciting changes that will soon take place. Changes have always made me a mix of a ball of energy and a nervous wreck. Who else can't sleep before the first day of school? That's a huge change if I say so myself. Here are the things occupying my mind right now:

1. I should wait on this because it is not a done deal yet but I can't hold it in any longer. I might be getting a NEW to me car!! Insert huge grin. More on that later!

2. I'm moving back to Greenville very soon into a house with two of my friends who are also teachers! yay! I'm actually loading the Uhaul and moving my furniture down there today!

3. I'm going to the Bahamas in less than a week! Come Monday I will be in the Bahamas relaxing in the sun with one of my best friends from college!

4. I turn 23 while in the Bahamas! Happy birthday to me!

5. When I get back from the Bahamas my school will finally be open which means I can start getting my classroom ready! Oh my word. I know I was excited for summer but I have been itching to get back into my classroom.

HA.. I couldn't help but laugh when I saw this thinking about all
of the bowls, craft supplies, beans, etc. I brought from home last year.

With all those exciting things happening I am a ball of energy. Who can blame me?! I'm definitely feeling very blessed this Tuesday!


  1. Oh you have a lot of exciting things going on!!! Have fun :)

  2. Bahamas!? How fun! Can't wait for you to post about it! Can't believe summer is already coming to an end!


Sweet Thoughts(: