
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Snowed in with no snow

Snowed in with no snow.. makes no sense right? Well that is currently what is happening around here. My county called school off for today however it is 1pm and we haven't seen a drop of snow! Furthermore they also called off tomorrow when we once again, haven't seen a drop of snow. I know it's coming but since it isn't here yet I can't help but wish we could have gone to school today to avoid a makeup day! Oh well.. If the weatherman holds up his end of the deal my guess is this will turn into a snow week not retuning to work until Monday. We will see! In the mean time this is what my "snow day" with no snow is involving.. 

Catching up on some of my favorite shows like Hart of Dixie and Nashville 

My favorite Bath and Body Works candle 

Room by Emma Donoghue. I picked this book up forever ago but haven't had a chance to read it yet. This week is perfect.

Tons of papers to grade and work to do. My bag is currently 
sitting, untouched. But I promise, this work WILL get done. 

How do you entertain yourself when you're snowed in?


  1. My school bag looks the same! Tons to grade this weekend.

  2. We had a snow week last week and the first day off it didn't start snowing until almost 5!

    It's snowing pretty heavy here now and accumulating so I'm thinking we might be in for more days off!

    Love your bag!

  3. Love your school bag! We will be snowed in tomorrow. I plan on getting some reports written and an at home workout. Then much needed laundry day! Thinking of catching up on Downtown Abby!

  4. No snow day is complete without hot chocolate, a little blogging in bed, and catching up on your favorite shows. I'm just saying (; And yes, I brought home a bag full of papers to grade, will I tackle it? Nope, never do! haha Enjoy your snow day. You can grade papers anytime but it's not every day you can play in the snow!


Sweet Thoughts(: